Automate, Simplify, Comply

Why choose Privisync?

PriviSync helps businesses thrive by building trust with customers. It simplifies data privacy efforts, streamlines compliance, and empowers organizations to accelerate privacy initiatives. Our software's user-friendly interface ensures that even complex compliance tasks can be accomplished with ease, making it accessible to teams of all sizes and expertise levels.

Furthermore, PriviSync goes beyond compliance to empower organizations to accelerate privacy initiatives, fostering a culture of responsible data handling and transparency. It minimizes risk and enhances efficiency.

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Accelerate privacy, Achieve Compliance

Helping organizations move faster while complying by streamlining privacy processes and automating compliance workflows.


Minimize Risk

Reduce the risk of costly data breaches and legal consequences, ultimately safeguarding reputation, customer trust, and bottom line.


Prioritize, Protect

PriviSync helps organizations prioritize data privacy and compliance by identifying and categorizing sensitive data.

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Achieve Compliance Goals

Automate Compliance,
Increase Productivity

PriviSync fortifies organizations against data breaches and compliance risks while freeing them to create, innovate, and thrive in the digital age, where data privacy and trust are paramount. It’s not just software; it’s a catalyst for growth, a shield against threats, and a canvas for creative excellence in data management.

  • Scalable and Future-ready

    PriviSync is the scalable, future-ready solution for data privacy and compliance. It adapts to your evolving needs, whether you’re a small startup or a large enterprise.

  • Transparent, Accountable

    Promote transparency in data processing by providing clear audit trails and comprehensive reports. This helps comply with regulations, build trust, and ensure accountability.

explore the core

Core Features

Learn how each element contributes to a safer, more private online world, ensuring your digital life remains truly yours.

Additional features

From Automated Data Categorization to Automated Data Retention and Deletion, Privisync has got you covered with it's vast array of features.

Automated Data Categorization

Privisync automates data classification and management, streamlining privacy compliance efforts.

Privacy Policy and Notice Management

PriviSync helps create, customise, and version-control policies in order to appropriately represent data collection, usage, and protection.

Child Data Protection

PriviSync helps collect and document parental consent for data processing activities involving minors (any individual below the age of 18 years), ensuring compliance with regulations.

Automated Data Retention and Deletion

PriviSync's Automated Data Retention and Deletion feature simplifies compliance with data retention and deletion policies, such as GDPR.

How will it work?

Our Packages

Embark on a journey towards DPDP compliance with Privisync. Embrace comprehensive data management, automate compliance tasks, and foster a culture of privacy within your organization.


Get Started
  • Dashboard Overview
  • Consent Management
  • Data Access and Deletion Requests
  • Child Data Protection
  • Privacy Policy Management
  • Support: Email


Get Started

All Essentials Features plus

  • DPIA Conduct
  • Breach Management
  • Vendor Risk Assessment
  • Advanced Dashboard
  • Advanced Reporting and Analysis
  • Support: Email and Phone


Get Started

All Pro Features plus

  • Integration with Third-Party Tools
  • Customizable Data Mapping
  • Advanced Reporting and Analytics
  • Role-Based Access
  • Regulatory Compliance Intelligence
  • Support: Priority Email and Phone
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